Business Info
Company Profile
Captive Interests
Market Conditions
Financial Outlook
Current Insurance Coverage
Please indicate if each risk is covered by an existing insurance policy. Then, drag the sliders for each risk to indicate how costly the average loss is for that risk, and how often you experience those losses.
Loss History
Please include any losses that would not be included in a Loss Run document. You can also upload a document with this information later in the Survey.
Risk Management
Document Requests
Please confirm that you have access to each file below. You will be asked to upload each file to your Account, within the Upload section. Use the Download button if you need to share this list with your team.
To review answers or make changes, use the Table of Contents to navigate to any section
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Business Info

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Table of Contents
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Business Info
Company Profile
Captive Interest
Market Conditions
Financial Outlook
Current Insurance Coverage
Loss History
Risk Management
Document Requests

XN Captive
Intake Survey

All information provided to XN Captive within this process is strictly confidential